KPCB Advice For
Low-Income Families and Seniors


Our Mission
We have assembled a team of expert writers and researchers that have consolidated information and instructions catered to help people in-need of assistance get the financial help they are entitled to. We do this by researching a large variety of popular assistance programs. We aim to write the eligibility requirements and application processes to benefit and assistance programs in ways that are easy for our readers to follow and understand. We have helped our readers avoid common mistakes often made when applying for assistance programs. We reach out to government agencies ourselves to get a better understanding of the processes and available programs and share our experience with our readers.  

Please note, that we are not a government agency. We simply aim to inform our readers about benefit programs, how they work, eligibility requirements and where to apply. We have good faith that our information can be useful to our readers but we cannot guarantee any approvals or provide any type of applications. We always encourage our readers to reach out to their appropriate local, state or federal government agency to apply for benefits that they feel they are eligible for. 

Please leave a comment or contact us if you have any questions and we will do our best to point you in the right direction. We are here to help you Keep pushing costs back and get the edge you need to thrive!



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